We buy Warehouse properties across the USA. We are warehouse investors. We are NOT real estate brokers. We have no interest in listing your property – we are buyers. We buy all types of Warehouse facilities, Office/Warehouses, and Industrial properties – heated and unheated, refrigerated, controlled humidity, one or two story, with or without loading docks, and more. We also buy Warehouse properties facing foreclosure or in financial distress. Our favorite cites or distribution centers are listed on our Cities Served page. Some of your key questions may be answered on our FAQ page.
Advantages Of Selling Directly To Warehouse Investors
NO fees or commissions
NO repairs
FAST closings

Desired Features of Warehouse Properties
High Growth Markets
Easy Access to Land, Train, and Air Transportation
Affordable Housing for Employees
Warehouse Owners Can Speed Up The Sale
Owners and sellers of Warehouse properties can shorten the time period of the sales process. The key is prepare those items that a warehouse investor / buyer wants to see and analyze. This information will be requested by any competent real estate investor so it is in the owner’s best interest to gather all important documents and information beforehand. The most important items for an owner to organize are listed below.
Important Selling Tips For An Owner
Property Appearance
– make the minor repairs because the cost is low and it improves the “eye appeal”; upgrade the landscaping if possible; clean the property and remove all “junk”. -
Rent Roll
– the tenant rent roll should be updated and organized; at least a one year history should be provided but two and three year histories are better; rents should be confirmed by bank deposits. -
Financial Statements
– properly prepared financial statements are essential; investors prefer statements prepared by CPAs; at least the most recent twelve months but two or three years are better. -
– lack of permits, licenses, and certifications can delay a transaction for months; all necessary local and state requirements should be updated with the corresponding documentation; if outside financing is utilized then these documents are mandatory.