Grocery stores and supermarkets have been experimenting and refining their grocery delivery services since the Coronavirus entered the America’s markets in 2020. And cold storage warehouses are needed to store and distribute some food groups. This increase in grocery delivery services was not anticipated at the beginning of the year. But seven months into the year retailers and wholesalers are seeing strong demand for cold storage warehouses and expect it to continue into 2021.

Warehouse investors have taken notice in America’s lifestyle changes. People are increasingly ordering products, including groceries, online to avoid people and potential exposure to the virus. This is just one part of the increased demand for industrial properties and warehouse properties. People are increasingly ordering products, including groceries, online to avoid people and potential exposure to the virus.
This growth in online purchasing, also called e-commerce, is a national trend. Traditional manufacturing is also experiencing a need for higher inventory levels to meet this e-commerce trend. E-commerce trends are ramping up leasing activity in industrial and warehouse properties in the entire manufacturing and distribution chain.
Industrial property investors are keeping a close eye on all cold storage warehouses. They are critical for the storage and distribution of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, frozen foods, and flowers.